Have you ever dialed a familiar number only to hear another person
reply you that you’ve dialed a wrong number, and after some minutes, you
redialed the same number and was able to contact your desired person?
I’ve found myself in this situation few times, and it can be ascribed to
irregularities in network.
In essence, as long as you are in this human
body, never say you can’t go wrong in your spiritual reception as we
are prone to factors that cause anomaly in spiritual ‘network’.
Therefore, it is maturity to admit being wrong after light has shone on
the leading you thought you had from God and it’s obvious that you were
wrong. Even prophet Samuel once missed it! The Bible recorded that his
words had never fallen to the ground except on the occasion of choosing
king for Israel among the sons of Jesse. However, his maturity to
subject his ego and admit being wrong helped him to get it right at the
end of the day.
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