My spiritual father (Rev. Olusola A. Areogun) preached that to get the
things God has for you in life, you must do three types of work, namely; (1)
Knee work (i.e prayer) (2) Mouth work (i.e confession of God’s word)
(3) Leg work (i.e hardwork/diligence).
As a single guy or lady that is still looking up to God for a suitable life partner, what else
are you doing to ensure this apart from praying? How’s your physical side; your dressing, gait, breath, etc? I once heard that in a particular church, a brother; who is a medical
doctor proposed to a lady and she never gave any response for a long
while. The leadership of the church decided to investigate the matter only
for her to declare that the brother was smelling when he came proposing.………Oops, what an error! This brother had probably prayed and ‘tore the
Heavens’ before approaching the sister; only to spoil the whole thing with
carelessness about his physical side. Nothing stopped him from choosing a
time when he would have the opportunity to get home after work and have a
shower before meeting with the lady!
A particular renowned pastor once said that while he
was single, he actually thought he wouldn’t marry because of his commitment to God’s call upon his life, and also he was naturally not easily
attracted to ladies. However, when he finally decided to marry, the
first thing he was looking out for among Christian ladies was a BEAUTIFUL
FACE!!!!!!! I said, ‘What! As spiritual as he was?’ I was really
shocked because I thought he would say a lady that could pray fervently, fast
several days, knows several verses of the Bible off hand, etc. before
mentioning a beautiful face. Although he later changed his mind because he
realised that the extent of the ministry God planned to give him would require
a lady with a strong spirit who will be an asset to him, and God
eventually gave him both (i.e. beauty and a strong spirit) in her......the God we serve
surely have taste (*wink*)!
To be continued........
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