(Continued from part 1)

In essence, the change in the life’s circumstance of Joseph from a well secure boy to a slave was not palatable at all, no thanks to Potiphar’s wife who slandered him into prison again after all the bitter experience of leaving his father’s comfort zone. However, the prison was the last stage of his ‘evening’ because he climbed the seat of destiny from there! It seemed like his darkest moment but it was actually the eve of a new dawn. The truth of the matter is, God’s hand was behind all the unpleasant situations that befell him. No ‘evil’ happens to God’s children for fun![1] Joseph might have probably thought that if he had known he wouldn’t have told his brothers his dreams and they wouldn’t have sold him off, but little did he know that those scenarios were for his preparation for destiny and purpose in life. 

The tough period gave him a platform to learn the Egyptian language and culture, humility, administration, sharpen his gift of interpretation of dreams, etc., which were all needed as he approached the throne and when he got there. It seemed as if the ‘evening’ wouldn’t end but his ‘morning’ came at the right time as it was on God’s schedule for him[2] and he then understood the significance of the evening experiences[3].  

The scripture states that the path of the just shines more and more, i.e. from glory to glory[4]. This means that anything God is involved in does not experience retrogression but progression. That is, it is not God’s will that retardation should be your experience in life. You are not to start as a millionaire and end up as a pauper, you are not to start as a married man and end up as a divorcee or a widower at the prime of your years, you are not to start as a landlord and end up as a tenant in life. NO! The will of the Father is for your latter end to greatly increase[5], i.e. no matter where you start from, you should start climbing from there. 

Although on few occasions, situation could seem like retrogression (e.g. Joseph) as in the case of a married man with children that lost his job and had to stay at home for another three months before getting another. In those three months, he had to take care of his family; meaning no input but constant output. Of course his bank account would feel it but it might be a preparation for a better job where he would earn ten times his previous salary. He probably was not thinking of seeking another job while on the previous one; just maintaining status quo; but with the retrenchment, he was pushed to seek and he found a better one. Although at the beginning it seemed as an unsavory experience, but God allowed it in order to lift him financially.

To be continued........ 

[1] Romans 8:28
[2] Ecclesiastes 3:11
[3] Genesis 50:20
[4] Proverbs 4:18
[5] Job 8:7


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