(Continued from part 2)

HOWEVER, patience and determination will help you through this stage; removing your attention from these mundane things and focusing it on the future. Delay is not denial, your own man that will place the right value on you is on his way. Don’t forget that you mostly misuse anything you buy cheap. Compare your attitude to a pair of shoes you got for #300 and the one you got for #7,000. You know how you keep the latter away safely immediately you get back from an outing while the former could lie around in the room until you are ready. The same way a man would treat you; depending on the platform at which he meets you. Wait and keep developing yourself to become a wife, a high-calibre career woman and an asset in God’s house. By the time he meets you, you know he won’t only value you for being chaste but also because you are an asset to him. Know undoubtedly that he will SURELY come because your creator whose word doesn’t fail has said,
‘…….None will lack a mate……’[1]

Instead of advertising yourself around and forcing yourself on a man, why don’t you give yourself wholly to God’s service? What God said in Matthew 6:33,
‘But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you’ is still valid till date.
You might want to say ‘I’m not pushing myself on him, he is just my friend’. But what of those daily morning calls you give him just to say an unnecessary ‘Good Morning’ and those you give him throughout the day? He won’t stop you from doing so despite not having any plan for you because he is enjoying your commitment and care. Stop overshadowing his mind and let him run after you if he really wants you. Mostly, such mushy mushy friendships lead to heartbreaks because he will soon introduce his fiancĂ©e to you and that is where a lady starts crying that he has broken her heart. Please hang on a minute, can you say categorically that he proposed to you and you gave a consent? No courtship has started without these two factors being in place. You have only cast your pearls before a swine!

Lady, I encourage you to work on yourself to be single without being lonely until your real man shows up. Guard the value God has placed on you, and only allow into your heart a man that will value you so. God describes you as a Queen in Psalm 144:12b;
‘….that our daughters may be as corner stones,
polished after the similitude of a palace’.

Therefore, any man that cannot treat you as his Queen does not deserve you. You don’t have to lower your value to accommodate him because that’s what your heavenly father has made you. Your own man will love you tenderly and you will submit to him graciously (Rev. (Mrs.) Oyenike Areogun). He will respect you and honour you. Walk away from anything short of this, and never accept any man with a trace of meanness. May you not live a life of grief.

Nevertheless, if you’ve been throwing yourself around, I have a good news for you that your creator is the God of another chance. You only need to accept Jesus into your life (if you’ve not done so) and join a church where you are sure you will be well nurtured with God's word. Give yourself to God’s service and be a doer of His word, and sooner or later, your man will meet you at your Father’s service just like Eliezer met Rebecca while doing domestic chores[2], and Boaz met Ruth while gleaning[3].

To be continued......

[1] Isaiah 34:16
[2] Genesis 24:15-16
[3] Ruth 2:4-8


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