(Continued from Part 1)

Therefore, if you base God’s acceptance of you by the attitude of a brethren towards you (irrespective of his/her title), you are likely to live unhappily. Moreover, remember that emotions are never stable; Sometimes you are high and other times you are low. Therefore, allowing the way another person feels of you to determine your definition of yourself is too tragic for your healthy living; both spiritually and socially. Don’t forget that you can’t please everybody; you can only live peaceably with everyone, and don’t expect everybody to like you; just live peaceably with everyone.

My spiritual father would say, “You don’t need everybody to like you, you only need the critical people of your life and destiny to like you”. He also says, “People may not like you but live your life in a way that they can’t ignore you”. Embrace excellence in what you do and you will see people of like minds getting attracted to you. You don’t have to lose your self esteem, confidence and dignity because of anyone. Shun everyone that seems intimidating, despiseful and self-serving as you need your confidence to succeed both physically and in every sphere of life. LET NO ONE CRUSH YOU ON THE INSIDE!!! We live in a society full of different prejudices and mentalities, hence you just have to fight for your uniqueness that God has given you.

Imagine a scenario where a peacock despises an eagle because she possesses beautiful feathers, and the eagle starts feeling less of a bird. She has forgotten that she can soar so high into the sky which the peacock can’t do. If there is a flood incident in their environ, she will escape while the peacock will get drown. Hmm, identify your uniqueness and embrace it. Take time to identify your strengths and appreciate them. If men focus your attention on your weaknesses, focus your mind on your strengths; it is your responsibility! No wonder Daniel said in the Bible that those that do know their God, they shall be strong and do exploits (Daniel 11:32). Knowledge is key! If you know your special abilities and gifts, and you are aware of God’s love for you by reading His word, your mind will be established and you won’t be tossed to and fro; battling with insecurities and low self-esteem here and there.

I once heard about a renowned female minister who was preaching and one of those seated on the front row who she respects so much stood up before the end of the message. She was so troubled and felt she was preaching nonsense. She later asked the man, and he expressed that he was really really blessed by the little he heard before he left, and that he had to catch up with an appointment that was why he left early. Now imagine if she had not mentioned it to him, that could make her lose confidence in her calling and thereby lose her ministry altogether. You can’t afford to define yourself by the attitude or expression of another person as they are entitled to their expressions! You just have to fight your way through life in your mind because THAT IS WHERE THE BATTLE LIES. Let God’s love for you be well established in your heart and you won’t define God’s acceptance of you through the approval of other brethren. As you must fight not to lose your faith, so also you must fight to keep your confidence (Hebrews 10:35) for that is where your drive lies. Once it is crushed, you would lead an unstable life.


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