One of the things the love of parents supply to a child is Security. If you would agree with me, children who have enjoyed a good measure of love, acceptance and attention at home tend to express a good self esteem in their relationship with others than those who didn’t have them; probably as a result of marital issues between parents, or parents are travelers and too busy to attend to their children, etc.  This is also true of a woman who enjoys the same from her husband and another who doesn’t. 

Love is a strengthener; both psychologically and emotionally, it just establishes your mind to be able to face life with courage. Whether expressed or not, every human seeks acceptance from those who they respect and adore/admire; even sometimes, parents seek it from their children as the latter enters adulthood and the former grow old. This is why children who suffered such nurture at home tend to seek it from their peers in school, and from other settings they find themselves. Some youths that are drunkards or drug addicts would tell you they are because they sought for acceptance and love from the wrong people. 

The spiritual family is in no wise different in this issue. I tell you, if you are unaware or yet to fully comprehend the unconditional love of God for you, you will surely seek it from brethren whose spirituality you respect, and you will judge yourself based on their approval. How do I mean?

If you are sure of the love of God for you, it establishes your heart that you don’t define God’s acceptance of you by what somebody in your spiritual setting did to you or did not do. You are not just bothered because you are too sure of your position with your heavenly Father. I once heard of a church’s bookshop where the brother in charge would not sell to any sister with uncovered hair…..?????! Although he is entitled to his personal prejudice, can you imagine how many sisters that might have been affected by this? Imagine if one of the sisters in that church respects his spirituality enough and defines God’s acceptance of her via the way such a brother relates with her, won’t that be too tragic? Anyway, when the leadership became aware of the situation, he was dismissed immediately,……yes, of course!

Therefore, if your pastor admonishes you to develop an intimate relationship with God - by praying daily, studying God’s word and spending quality time fellowshipping with God in order to know God for yourself, he is not doing so in order for you to become more spiritual alone or so that you can assure yourself that you are a Christian. It is also to concretise your heart on the assurance of God’s love and acceptance of you because the more you spend time with God, the more you know and understand His unconditional love for you.

Remember that any Christian you meet in church is a human being that got saved. Although the spirit is born again, the flesh and mind will continue to be saved (i.e retrained and renewed) because it is a continuous process and we are not all on the same level. Everyone has their likes and dislikes, their prejudices, philosophies, principles, etc., which are sometimes carnal, and unfortunately, these sometimes inform their choice of friends and how they relate with others. Therefore, if you…..(to be continued).

NB: See you tomorrow by God’s grace. Feel free to LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE. Thank you.


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